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4 produits trouvés
Applied multivariate statistical analysis and related topics with R
Lang Wu, Jin Qiu
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 19 Mars 2021
- 9782759826018
Grand format 102.00 €Sur commande
Pisa 2012 ; assessment and analytical framework
- Organisation De Cooperation Et De Developpement Economiques
- 8 Juin 2013
- 9789264190528
Are students well prepared to meet the challenges of the future? Can they analyse, reason and communicate their ideas effectively? Have they found the kinds of interests they can pursue throughout their lives as productive members of the economy and society?
The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) seeks to answer these questions through the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student knowledge and skills. PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework presents the conceptual framework underlying the fifth cycle of PISA.
Similar to the previous cycles, the 2012 assessment covers reading, mathematics and science, with the major focus on mathematical literacy.
Two other domains are evaluated: problem solving and financial literacy. Students respond to a background questionnaire and, as an option, to an educational career questionnaire as well as another questionnaire about Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Additional supporting information is gathered from the school authorities through the school questionnaire and from the parents through a third optional questionnaire.
Sixty-six countries and economies, including all 34 OECD member countries, are taking part in the PISA 2012 assessment.
Grand format 90.00 €Épuisé
Cybernetics : the Macy conferences, 1946-1953 ; the complete transactions
Claus Pias, Collectif
- Diaphanes
- 1 Janvier 2016
- 9783037345986
Entre 1946 et 1953, les Conférences Macy ont réuni une communauté de chercheurs interdisciplinaires dont les travaux conjoints ont permis de définir les bases d'une science nouvelle, la cybernétique. Cette publication propose une transcription complète des contributions et des protocoles des dix conférences parmi les plus importantes de l'histoire contemporaine de la science.
Grand format 69.95 €Sur commande
Space fault tree theory and system reliability analysis
Tiejun Cui, Shasha Li
- Edp Sciences
- Current Natural Sciences
- 10 Février 2021
- 9782759824991
The significance of the existence of the system is to realize its function and maintain its stability, that is, the reliability and stability of the reliability. Reliability is affected by factors, component properties and system structure, and its changes are complex. In order to solve this problem, the authors proposed the space fault tree theory in 2012. This book is the first time that the fundamental part of the theory has been presented internationally. The authors of the book are Pro. Tiejun Cui and Dr. Shasha Li.
Grand format 80.00 €Sur commande